Become a partner to drive positive impact on youth

With your help, we empower underserved youth to reach their full potential through confidence-building STEM experiences, led by passionate facilitators and hands-on innovative projects


Community Partners

School Board Partners

The Problem

Research has shown that youth from low-income and underrepresented communities face barriers in access to STEM education. Given the ongoing increase in STEM careers, exposure to STEM skills early in life is necessary to develop interest and excitement. 

The Challenge

Youth in underserved communities face structural and systemic barriers in gaining access to immersive opportunities that can define their futures. Teachers across Canada note gaps in their own knowledge to teach digital technology skills such as coding. 

Our Misson

To provide FREE in-class, afterschool and mentorship programs by partnering with industry, institutional, and school board partners who share our vision of youth inspired by STEM.

Teachers like Nicolette are thankful that generous sponsors help provide free STEM programs in their classrooms.

“Since we’ve had the program, there is a renewed interest for some who already tried it before […] but more importantly, it was the first experience for some, so sometimes instead of asking to do some other math activity, I do have students asking, “Can we go back on Scratch? Can we do some coding?” That’s a first that that’s happened: There’s enough interest, subsequent to the program, that students are thinking that this is not only an important way of learning but a fun way. And that’s very rewarding.”

Nicolette DiFrancesco, OCT

Grade 7 Teacher, Pauline Johnson Elementary School, HWDSB

Last year, funding from the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) enabled us to create free school-integrated, automotive-themed programs

We were selected by the Ontario Government through OVIN as a recipient of the Regional Future Workforce (RFW) Program to support the development of a highly skilled workforce in the automotive and mobility sector.

The funding enabled us to reach more than 600 students in 24 classrooms. It underscored the significance of our mission to bridge the STEM educational gap and empower students in underserved communities. 

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Generous support from sponsors like GM Canada really makes a difference for the students in our underserved communities.

Five local students who participated in our Youth Mentorship Program were paired with engineers and analysts at industry partner, General Motors Canada, and had an opportunity to tour the GM Canadian Technical Centre in Markham, Ontario.

This program was covered by The Hamilton Spectator.

Our Sponsors and Partners

Get involved.

Without generous supporters like you, we would not be able to reach our mission and help youth get quality STEM education.

Get in touch with our Partnership Development Team by contacting us via email, or phone (289)-887-2157.

You can also use the form provided.

We look forward to partnering with your organization.